Source Query Configuration

Replication of source queries #

Replicant can perform replication of the results of source queries from source database systems to the target database systems. Source queries can be custom queries, macros, user-defined functions (UDFs), and stored procedures.

Source query replication is supported only for snapshot mode.

To use this feature, follow the instructions in the subsequent sections.

Configure src-queries parameters #

The configuration for source queries lives in a YAML configuration file. You can find sample configuration files in the $REPLICANT_HOME/conf/query/src directory, where $REPLICANT_HOME is your Arcion self-hosted download.

The file starts with a top-level src-queries field, indicating that it’s a source queries configuration. Under this field, the following parameters are available to configure your queries and macros:

catalog #

The source catalog (if applicable) whose queries or macros you need to replicate.

schema #

The source schema (if applicable) whose queries or macros you need to replicate.

macros #

Here you can specify your macros. Each macro goes in a separate line and follows this syntax:


MACRO_COMMAND is the exact macro that you want Replicant to replicate. MACRO_NAME acts as a logical name of the macro command. Replicant uses the same name for the table containing the results of this macro.

Note: In order to specify incremental replication from a macro, the macro must accept a value of delta-snapshot-key as one of its arguments. This value works as an initial maximum value.

You must specify specify this value in the macro command at the appropriate argument location by enclosing it in $ characters.

See the example to better understand how to define the value within the macro.

For more information about delta-snapshot-key in Extractor configuration, see Delta snapshot mode.

queries #

Here you can specify your queries. Each query goes in a separate line and follows the same syntax as macros:


SQL_QUERY is the exact SQL query that you want Replicant to replicate. QUERY_NAME acts as a logical name of the query. Replicant uses the same name for the table containing the results of this query.

See the example to better understand how to define queries.

Example configuration #

The following is a sample configuration for SingleStore:

src-queries :
- catalog : tpch
  macros :
    partsupp_macro: "call tpch.partsupp_macro('2020-02-17 04:35:17.520000')"
    partsupp_macro: "call tpch.partsupp_macro($'2020-02-17 04:35:17.520000'$)"
  queries :
    PART_sql: "select P_PARTKEY, P_NAME, blitzz_io_delta_snapshot_key from tpch.PART where replicate_io_delta_snapshot_key >= $'2020-07-21 05:43:24'$ "

Whitelist queries in the filter file #

After you’ve configured the src-queries configuration file, follow the instructions in Filter queries.

Run Replicant with query and filter options #

Run Replicant with both the --src-queries and --filter options. These options take the full path to your src-queries configuration file and the filter file as their arguments respectively. For example:

./bin/replicant full conf/conn/singlestore.yaml conf/conn/db2.yaml \
--src-queries conf/query/src/singlestore_queries.yaml \
--filter filter/singlestore_filter.yaml