Source SAP HANA #

The extracted replicant-cli will be referred to as the $REPLICANT_HOME directory.

I. Download HANA JDBC Client #

Please download the SAP HANA JDBC Client from SAP Development Tools and copy it in the $REPLICANT_HOME/lib directory.

II. Set up Connection Configuration #

  1. From $REPLICANT_HOME, navigate to the connection configuration file:

    vi conf/conn/hana.yaml
  2. You can store your connection credentials in a secrets management service and tell Replicant to retrieve the credentials. For more information, see Secrets management.

    Otherwise, you can put your credentials like usernames and passwords in plain form like the sample below:

    type: HANA
    host: localhost #Hostname of the HANA server
    port: 39041 #Port number of the HANA server
    username: SYSTEM #Username to connect to the server. 
    password: Replicant#123 #User password
    url: #Optional parameter. Represents the exact URL to be used by the JDBC driver to connect to the source.
    max-connections: 30 #Maximum number of connections Replicant would use to fetch data from source Hana.
    max-retries: #Number of times any operation on the source system will be re-attempted on failures.
    retry-wait-duration-ms: #Duration in milliseconds Replicant should wait before performing then next retry of a failed operation.
    • Make sure the user has read access on all the databases/schemas/tables that are to be replicated.
    • If you include the url parameter in the connection configuration file, do not specify any of the host, port, username, and password parameters separately as the URL should be containing all the details.

III. Set up Extractor Configuration #

  1. From $REPLICANT_HOME, navigate to the sample Extractor configuration file:

    vi conf/src/hana.yaml

    a. For snapshot mode, make the necessary changes as follows in the snapshot section of the configuration file:

      threads: 16
      fetch-size-rows: 5_000
      split-key: $rowid$
    #  min-job-size-rows: 1_000_000
    #  max-jobs-per-chunk: 32

    b. For delta snapshot mode, make the necessary changes as follows in the delta-snapshot section of the configuration file:

      threads: 16
      fetch-size-rows: 5_000
    # min-job-size-rows: 1_000_000
    # max-jobs-per-chunk: 32
    # _max-delete-jobs-per-chunk: 32
    # delta-snapshot-interval: 10
    # replicate-deletes: true
    # split-key: $rowid$
    # delta-snapshot-key: $rowid$
    # row-identifier-key: [$rowid$]
      - schema: tpch
    #      testTable:
    #        split-key: split-key-column  # Any numeric/timestamp column with sufficiently large number of distincts
    #        split-hints:
    #          row-count-estimate: 100000  # Estimated row count
    #          split-key-min-value: 1      # Lower bound of split key value
    #          split-key-max-value: 60_000 # Upper bound of split key value, if specified Replicant will leverage and avoid querying source database for the same
    #        delta-snapshot-key: delta-snapshot-key-column  # A monotonic increasing numeric/timestamp column which gets new value on each INSERT/UPDATE
    #        row-identifier-key: [col1, col2]   # A set of columns which uniquely identify a row
    #        update-key: [col1, col2]  # A set of columns which Replicant should use to perform deletes/updates during incremental replication
            row-identifier-key: [$rowid$]
            split-key: custkey
            row-identifier-key: [$rowid$]
    delta-snapshot-key is only needed for Hana Row store tables. Column store tables are handled automatically, even if delta-snaphot-key is not specified. If specified, it will get preference over system-generated key.

For a detailed explanation of configuration parameters in the extractor file, read Extractor Reference.