Google Cloud Storage

Destination Google Cloud Storage (GCS) #

From version, Arcion supports replicating data into Google Cloud Storage using the S3 compatibility API. Follow the instructions in this page to set up Cloud Storage as data target in Arcion Replicant.

The following steps refer the extracted Arcion self-hosted CLI download as the $REPLICANT_HOME directory.

S3 file format #

When Replicant loads data into S3, Replicant first converts the data to either a CSV or a JSON file. To better understand the data format for the CSV and JSON converted files, see Arcion Internal CDC Format for Amazon S3. We highly recommended that you read the Arcion Internal CDC Format for Amazon S3 page when using S3 as the target system.

I. Set up connection configuration #

Specify your Cloud Storage connection details to Replicant with a connection configuration file. You can find a sample connection configuration file gcs.yaml in the $REPLICANT_HOME/conf/conn directory.

type: S3

  service-endpoint: SERVICE_ENDPOINT
  signingRegion: "SIGNING_REGION"

access-key: "YOUR_HMAC_ACCESS_ID"
secret-key: "YOUR_HMAC_SECRET"

force-path-style: {true|false}

bucket: "BUCKET_NAME"

  type: SHARED_FS

max-connections: 50

Replace the following:

  • SERVICE_ENDPOINT: The service endpoint with or without the protocol—for example, or
  • SIGNING_REGION: The region to use for AWS Signature Version 4 requests—for example, us-west-1.
  • YOUR_HMAC_ACCESS_ID: The HMAC access ID associated with the service account or the user account.
  • YOUR_HMAC_SECRET: The HMAC secret linked to the HMAC access ID you specify in YOUR_HMAC_ACCESS_ID.
  • BUCKET_NAME: The Cloud Storage bucket name—for example, arcion-gcp-as-target.
  • ROOT_PATH_UNDER_BUCKET: The root path under the Cloud Storage bucket. Replicant creates all data files under BUCKET_NAME/ROOT_PATH_UNDER_BUCKET. For example, if you set bucket to arcion-gcp-as-target and root to replicant/s3dst, Replicant creates the data files under arcion-gcp-as-target/replicant/s3dst.
  • PATH_TO_STAGE_DIRECTORY: Directory where Replicant stages CSV files before uploading them to Cloud Storage—for example, /home/user/stage.

Set force-path-style to true if you prefer path-style URL access.

II. Set up Applier configuration #

Follow the instructions in Applier configuration for Amazon S3.