
Source Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL #

This page describes how to replicate data in real time from Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, a managed service for PostgreSQL relational database.

The following steps refer to the extracted Arcion self-hosted CLI download as the $REPLICANT_HOME directory.

Prerequisites #

I. Set up parameter group #

  1. Create a database parameter group if you haven’t already specified a parameter group for your database instance.

  2. Set the rds.logical_replication parameter to 1 and attach rds.logical_replication to your database instance. You must reboot your database instance for this change to take effect. After rebooting your database instance, the system automatically sets the wal_level parameter to logical.

    You can verify the values for wal_level and rds.logical_replication with the following command from psql client:

    postgres=> SELECT name,setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name IN ('wal_level','rds.logical_replication');

    The output is similar to the following:

              name           | setting
    rds.logical_replication | on
    wal_level               | logical
    (2 rows)
  3. In the parameter group, make sure max_replication_slots equals to 1 or greater than the number of replication jobs that you need to run from this RDS for PostgreSQL instance.

II. Create user #

  1. Create a user for replication in the source RDS for PostgreSQL database instance. For example, the following creates a user alex:

    postgres=> CREATE ROLE alex LOGIN PASSWORD 'alex12345';

    For more information about creating users, see Understanding PostgreSQL roles and permissions.

  2. Grant the necessary permissions:

    postgres=> GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA "arcion" TO alex;
    postgres=> GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA "arcion" TO alex;
    postgres=> ALTER ROLE alex WITH REPLICATION;

    The preceding commands grant the necessary permissions to user alex for the schema arcion.

III. Create logical replication slot #

  1. Log into the PostgreSQL catalog or database with a privileged account that you want to perform replication with.

  2. Create a logical replication slot in this catalog or database using the wal2json decoding plugin:

    SELECT 'init' FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('arcion_test', 'wal2json');

    The preceding command creates a replication slot with the name arcion_test. The wal2json plugin is available as an extension in RDS for PostgreSQL.

  3. Verify that you’ve successfully created a replication slot:

    postgres=> SELECT * from pg_replication_slots;

Set up connection configuration #

To connect to your RDS for PostgreSQL instance using basic username and password authentication, you have the following two options:

Specify your credentials in a plain text YAML connection configuration file:



database: "DATABASE_NAME"
username: "USERNAME"
password: "PASSWORD"

max-connections: 30
socket-timeout-s: 60
max-retries: 10
retry-wait-duration-ms: 1000

#Add your replication slot (slot which holds the real-time changes of the source database) as follows:
    - wal2json

log-reader-type: {STREAM|SQL}

Replace the following:

  • HOSTNAME: hostname of the RDS for PostgreSQL instance
  • PORT_NUMBER: port number of the RDS for PostgreSQL host
  • DATABASE_NAME: the database name
  • USERNAME: the username credential to log into your RDS for PostgreSQL instance
  • PASSWORD: the password associated with USERNAME

Feel free to change the following parameter values as you need:

  • max-connections: the maximum number of connections Replicant opens in RDS for PostgreSQL database.
  • max-retries: number of times Replicant retries a failed operation.
  • retry-wait-duration-ms: duration in milliseconds Replicant waits between each retry of a failed operation.
  • socket-timeout-s: the timeout value in seconds specifying socket read operations. A value of 0 disables socket reads. This parameter is only available from version
Important: Make sure that the value of max_connections in your RDS for PostgreSQL instance exceeds the value of max-connections in the preceding connection configuration file. For more information, see Maximum number of database connections in Amazon RDS.

Replication slot #

The replication slot holds the real-time changes of the source database. The preceding sample specifies a replication slot in the following format:


Replace the following:

  • SLOT_NAME: the replication slot name
  • PLUGIN_NAME: the plugin you’ve used to create the replication slot. In this case, it’s wal2json.

Currently only one slot can be specified.

Log reader type #

Caution: From versions 23.03.31 and later, log-reader-type is deprecated. Avoid specifying this parameter.

From versions and later, the value of log-reader-type defaults to STREAM. If you choose STREAM, Replicant captures CDC data through PgReplicationStream. If you choose SQL, RDS for PostgreSQL server periodically receives SQL statements for CDC data extraction.

You can store your connection credentials in a secrets management service and tell Replicant to retrieve the credentials. For more information, see Secrets management.

Enable connection by username for STREAM log reader #

If you use STREAM as the log-reader-type, you must allow an authenticated replication connection as the USERNAME who performs the replication. To do so, modify the pg_hba.conf with the following entries depending on the use case:

  1. Locate and open the pg_hba.conf file. You can find the default pg_hba.conf file inside the data directory initialized by initdb.

  2. Make the following changes:

    # TYPE  DATABASE        USER                  ADDRESS                 METHOD
    # allow local replication connection to USERNAME (IPv4 + IPv6)
    local     replication         USERNAME                                         trust
    host      replication         USERNAME                     <auth-method>
    host      replication         USERNAME    ::1/128                          <auth-method>
    # allow remote replication connection from any client machine  to USERNAME (IPv4 + IPv6)
    host     replication          USERNAME                        trust
    host     replication          USERNAME    ::0/0                            trust

    Replace USERNAME with the RDS for PostgreSQL database username that you want to authenticate for replication.

Set up filter configuration (optional) #

If you want to filter data from your source RDS for PostgreSQL database, specify the filter rules in the filter file. For more information on how to define the filter rules and run Replicant CLI with the filter file, see Filter configuration.

For example:

  catalog: "postgres"
  schema: "public"
  types: [TABLE]

      allow: ["FB, IG"]

      allow: ["product", "service"]
      conditions: "o_orderkey < 5000"


The preceding sample consists of the following elements:

  • Data of object type TABLE in the catalog postgres and the schema public goes through replication.
  • From catalog postgres, only the CUSTOMERS, ORDERS, and RETURNS tables go through replication.
  • From CUSTOMERS table, only the FB and IG columns go through replication.
  • From the ORDERS table, only the product and service columns go through replication as long as those columns meet the condition in conditions.
  • Since the RETURNS table doesn’t specify anything, the entire table goes through replication.

Unless you specify, Replicant replicates all tables in the catalog.

The following illustrates the format you must follow:

  catalog: <your_catalog_name>
  types: <your_object_type>

      allow: ["your_column_name"]
      condtions: "your_condition"

      allow: ["your_column_name"]
      conditions: "your_condition"


Set up Extractor configuration #

To configure replication according to your requirements, specify your configuration in the Extractor configuration file.

You can configure the following replication modes by specifying the parameters under their respective sections in the configuration file:

  • snapshot
  • realtime
  • delta-snapshot

See the following sections for more information.

For more information about different Replicant modes, see Running Replicant.

Configure snapshot replication #

The following is a sample configuration for operating in snapshot mode:

  threads: 16
  fetch-size-rows: 5_000

  _traceDBTasks: true
  min-job-size-rows: 1_000_000
  max-jobs-per-chunk: 32

  - catalog: tpch
    schema: public
        row-identifier-key: [l_orderkey, l_linenumber]
        split-key: l_orderkey
          row-count-estimate: 15000
          split-key-min-value: 1
          split-key-max-value: 60_00

For more information about the configuration parameters for snapshot mode, see Snapshot Mode.

Configure real-time replication #

For real-time replication, you must create a heartbeat table in the source RDS for PostgreSQL database.

  1. Create a heartbeat table in any schema of the database you are going to replicate with the following DDL:

    CREATE TABLE "<user_database>"."public"."replicate_io_cdc_heartbeat"("timestamp" INT8 NOT NULL, PRIMARY  KEY("timestamp"))
  2. Grant INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE privileges to the user configured for replication.

  3. Specify your configuration under the realtime section of the Extractor configuration file. For example:

      threads: 4 
      fetch-size-rows: 10000
      fetch-duration-per-extractor-slot-s: 3
      _traceDBTasks: true
        enable: true
        catalog: "postgres"
        schema: "public"
        table-name: replicate_io_cdc_heartbeat
        column-name: timestamp
        start-lsn: 0/3261270

For more information about the configuration parameters for realtime mode, see Realtime Mode.

Support for DDL replication #

Replicant supports DDL replication for real-time RDS for PostgreSQL source. For more information, contact us.

Replication without replication-slots #

If can’t create replication slots in RDS for PostgreSQL using wal2json, then you can use a third mode of replication called delta snapshot. In delta snapshot, Replicant uses RDS for PostgreSQL’s internal column to identify changes.

Caution: We strongly recommend that you specify a row-identifier-key in the per-table-config section for a table that does not have a primary key or a unique key defined.

You can specify your configuration under the delta-snapshot section of the Extractor configuration file. For example:

  row-identifier-key: [orderkey,suppkey]
  update-key: [partkey]
  replicate-deletes: true|false

  - catalog: tpch
    schema: public
        row-identifier-key: [l_orderkey, l_linenumber]
        split-key: l_orderkey
        replicate-deletes: false

For more information about the configuration parameters for delta-snapshot mode, see Delta-snapshot Mode.