
Destination MariaDB #

The extracted replicant-cli will be referred to as the $REPLICANT_HOME directory in the proceeding steps.

I. Prerequisites #

Pay attention to the following before configuring MariaDB as the Target system:

  • Make sure the specified user has CREATE TABLE and CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE privileges on the catalogs/schemas into which replicated tables should be created.
  • If you want Replicant to create catalogs/schemas for you on the target MariaDB system, then you also need to grant CREATE DATABASE/CREATE SCHEMA privileges to the user.
  • If this user does not have CREATE DATABASE privilege, then create a database manually with name io_blitzz and grant all privileges for it to the user specified here. Replicant uses this database for internal checkpointing and metadata management.
The database/schema of your choice on a different instance of your choice name can be configured using the metadata config feature. For more information, see Metadata Configuration.

II. Set up Connection Configuration #

  1. From $REPLICANT_HOME, navigate to the sample MariaDB connection configuration file:

    vi conf/conn/mariadb_dst.yaml
  2. You can establish connection with Target MariaDB using either SSL or plain username and password.

    Connect using username and password #

    You can store your connection credentials in a secrets management service and tell Replicant to retrieve the credentials. For more information, see Secrets management.

    Otherwise, you can put your credentials like usernames and passwords in plain form like the sample below:

    type: MARIADB
    host: HOSTNAME
    port: PORT_NUMBER
    username: "USERNAME"
    password: "PASSWORD" 
    max-connections: 30 #Specify the maximum number of connections replicant can open in MariaDB
    max-retries: 10 #Number of times any operation on the system will be re-attempted on failures.
    retry-wait-duration-ms: 1000 #Duration in milliseconds replicant should wait before performing then next retry of a failed operation

    Replace the following:

    • HOSTNAME: the hostname of the Target MariaDB host
    • PORT_NUMBER: the relevant port number of the MariaDB host
    • USERNAME: the username credential that connects to the MariaDB host
    • PASSWORD: the password associated with USERNAME

    Connect using SSL #

    If you use SSL for connection, you don’t need to provide the host, port, username, and password parameters separately like the preceding sample. Rather, specify a single connection URL that connects to the MariaDB server containing the necessary credentials. You can specify this URL with the url parameter in the connection configuration file.

    The connection URL has the following syntax:


    Replace the following:

    • HOST: the hostname of the Target MariaDB host
    • PORT: the relevant port number of the MariaDB host
    • DATABASE_NAME: the name of the MariaDB database
    • USERNAME: the username credential that connects to the MariaDB host
    • PASSWORD: the password associated with USERNAME

III. Set up Applier Configuration #

  1. From $REPLICANT_HOME, naviagte to the sample MariaDB applier configuration file:

    vi conf/dst/mariadb.yaml    
  2. Make the necessary changes as follows:

      threads: 32 #Specify the maximum number of threads Replicant should use for writing to the target
      batch-size-rows: 10_000 #Specify the size of a batch
      txn-size-rows: 1_000_000 #Determines the unit of an applier-side job
    #If bulk-load is used, Replicant will use the native bulk-loading capabilities of the target database
      enable: true|false #Set to true if you want to enable bulk loading
      type: FILE|PIPE #Specify the type of bulk loading between FILE and PIPE
      serialize: true|false #Set to true if you want the generated files to be applied in serial/parallel fashion
      #For versions and beyond
      native-load-configs: #Specify the user-provided LOAD configuration string which will be appended to the s3 specific LOAD SQL command
Caution: By default, MariaDB disables local data loading which causes bulk loading to fail. So if you want to use bulk loading, make sure to enable the local_infile system variable in your MariaDB option file.

For a detailed explanation of configuration parameters in the applier file, read Applier Reference.