Native Export

Oracle Native Export #

For Oracle as both Source and Target systems, Replicant uses Oracle’s native Data Pump Export (expdp) utility to export table data. To set up Replicant and Source Oracle to use this feature, follow the instructions below:

Set up expdp in Replicant host machine #

  • Download the Oracle Instant Client Tools Package ZIP and extract the files.
  • Copy the expdp file to the /usr/bin directory.
  • Download the Oracle Instant Client Basic Package ZIP and extract the files in a directory.
  • Copy the path to the directory where you extracted the ZIP archive.
  • Set the ORACLE_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables in your ~/.bashrc file:
    export ORACLE_HOME=instantClientBasicPath
    export PATH="$ORACLE_HOME:$PATH"

Create directory object in Source and Target Oracle #

Replicant uses the external directory feature of Oracle for efficient loading of data into Target Oracle. So you need to create a directory shared between Replicant host and Oracle host (both Source and Target) with READ and WRITE access. To do so, follow the steps below:

  • Launch Oracle SQL Plus from the terminal.
  • From the SQL Plus prompt, execute the following SQL commands:
    create directory SHARED_STAGE as '/shared-volume';
    grant read,write on directory SHARED_STAGE to SYSTEM;

Modify the Replicant Extractor configuration file #

In Replicant’s Extractor configuration file of Source Oracle, add a new native-load section under snapshot. This section holds the necessary parameters for Replicant to start using Oracle’s native Export utility. For more information, see Parameters related to snapshot mode.