Source SAP IQ #

The extracted replicant-cli will be referred to as the $REPLICANT_HOME directory in the proceeding steps.

I. Set up Connection Configuration #

  1. From $REPLICANT_HOME, navigate to the sample connection configuration file:

    vi conf/conn/sapiq_src.yaml
  2. You can store your connection credentials in a secrets management service and tell Replicant to retrieve the credentials. For more information, see Secrets management.

    Otherwise, you can put your credentials like usernames and passwords in plain form like the sample below:

     type: SAP_IQ
     host: localhost
     port: 2638
     database: 'tpch'
     username: 'USERNAME'
     password: 'PASSWORD'
     max-connections: 30
     max-retries: 10
     retry-wait-duration-ms: 1000

    Replace the following:

    • USERNAME: the username to connect to the SAP IQ instance.
    • PASSWORD: the password associated with USERNAME.

II. Set up Extractor Configuration #

  1. From $REPLICANT_HOME, navigate to the Extractor configuration file:

    vi conf/src/sapiq_delta.yaml
  2. The configuration file has two parts:

    • Parameters related to snapshot mode.
    • Parameters related to delta-snapshot mode.

    For snapshot mode, make the necessary changes as follows in the snapshot section of the configuration file:

      threads: 16
      fetch-size-rows: 10_000
      #_traceDBTasks: true
      min-job-size-rows: 1_000_000
      max-jobs-per-chunk: 32
        - catalog: tpch
    #      schema: public
              row-identifier-key: [l_orderkey, l_linenumber]
              split-key: l_orderkey
    #        split-hints:
    #          row-count-estimate: 15000
    #          split-key-min-value: 1
    #          split-key-max-value: 60_000

    If you want to operate in delta-snapshot mode, you can use the delta-snapshot section to specify your configuration. For example:

      threads: 16
      fetch-size-rows: 10_000
      delta-snapshot-key: ts
      _traceDBTasks: true
      min-job-size-rows: 1_000_000
      max-jobs-per-chunk: 32
      replicate-deletes: false
        - catalog: tpch
              #        split-key: a  # Any numeric/timestamp column with sufficiently large number of distincts
              #        split-hints:
              #          row-count-estimate: 100000  # Estimated row count, if supplied replicant will leverage
              #          split-key-min-value: 1      #Lower bound of split key value
              #          split-key-max-value: 60_000 #Upper bound of split key value, if supplied replicant will leverage and avoid querying source database for the same
              delta-snapshot-key: a  # A monotonic increasing numeric/timestamp column which gets new value on each INSERT/UPDATE
              row-identifier-key: [a]   # A set of columns which uniquely identify a row
              update-key: [a]  # A set of columns which replicant should use to perform deletes/updates during incremental replication
              row-identifier-key: [l_orderkey, l_linenumber]

For a detailed explanation of configuration parameters in the Extractor file, read Extractor Reference.