
Source Teradata #

The extracted replicant-cli will be referred to as the $REPLICANT_HOME directory in the proceeding steps.

I. Set up Connection Configuration #

  1. From $REPLICANT_HOME, navigate to the sample connection configuration file:

    vi conf/conn/teradata.yaml

    To connect to Teradata, Arcion provides two methods for an authenticated connection:

  2. You can store your connection credentials in a secrets management service and tell Replicant to retrieve the credentials. For more information, see Secrets management.


#url: jdbc:teradata://<ip-address>/HTTPS_PORT=<port>,ENCRYPTDATA=ON,TYPE=FASTEXPORT,USER=<username>,PASSWORD=<password>
host: <ip-address>
port: <port>
#client-charset: UTF8

username: <username>
password: <password>

#  type: PKCS12
#  path: #Location of key-store
#  key-prefix: "teradata_"
#  password: #If password to key-store is not provided then default password will be used
  enable: true
  ssl-mode: PREFER #Allowed values are {PREFER/REQUIRE/VERIFY-CA/VERIFY-FULL}. By default, PREFER.

 # Details of file that contains trusted database server certificates and/or Certificate Authority (CA) certificates
    path: '<trustStore_directory_path>'
    password: '<truststore_password>'
    ssl-store-type: '<truststore_type>'

 # File/Folder path of a PEM file(s) that contains Certificate Authority (CA) certificates for
  ssl-cert: <CA_Certs_directory_or_file_path>

tpt-connection: #Connection configuration for TPT jobs
  host: <ip-address> #Teradata host name
  username: <username> #Teradata server username
  password: <password>
    #  type: PKCS12
    #  path: #path to your keystore file
    #  key-prefix: # prefix of the keystore entry
    #  password: # optional, keystore password
  #use-ldap: true  #Whether TPT should use LDAP mechanism to connect to TD
  #max-sessions: 16  #Max sessions per TPT job
  #min-sessions: 1 #Min sessions per TPT job
  #tenacity-hrs: 1 #Number of hours TPT continues trying logon
  #tenacity-sleep-mins: 1 #Sleep duration before each retry

max-connections: 30 # Maximum number of connections replicant would use to fetch data from source Teradata.

max-retries: 10 
retry-wait-duration-ms: 1000

max-conn-retries: #Number of times any operation on the source system will be re-attempted on failures.
conn-retry-wait-duration-ms: 5000 #Duration in milliseconds Replicant should wait before performing then next retry of a failed operation
  • ssl-mode: Teradata supports multiple SSLMODE which specifies the mode for connecting to the database as per below:

    • ssl-mode: PREFER uses HTTPS/TLS connections unless the database does not offer HTTPS/TLS connections or Java does not have TLSv1.2. It is the default config.
    • ssl-mode: REQUIRE uses HTTPS/TLS connections.
    • ssl-mode: VERIFY-CA uses HTTPS/TLS connections and verifies that the server certificate is valid and trusted.
    • ssl-mode: VERIFY-FULL uses HTTPS/TLS connections, verifies that the server certificate is valid and trusted, and verifies that the server certificate matches the database hostname.
  • trust-store:

    • path: Specifies the file name of a Java TrustStore file that contains trusted database server certificates and/or Certificate Authority (CA) certificates for use with ssl-mode: VERIFY-CA or ssl-mode: VERIFY-FULL.
    • password: Specifies the password for the Java TrustStore file identified by the path connection parameter. When this parameter is omitted, no password is specified for the Java TrustStore file.
    • ssl-store-type: Specifies the type for the Java TrustStore file identified by the trust-store connection parameter. When omitted, the Java TrustStore file is assumed to be the Java default TrustStore type.
  • ssl-cert: File path/directory path of a PEM file that contains Certificate Authority (CA) certificates for use with ssl-mode: VERIFY-CA or ssl-mode: VERIFY-FULL.

You can specify your credentials in plain form in the connection configuration file like the folowing sample:


#url: jdbc:teradata://<ip-address>/DBS_PORT=<port>,ENCRYPTDATA=ON,TYPE=FASTEXPORT,USER=<username>,PASSWORD=<password>
host: <ip-address>
port: <port>
#client-charset: UTF8

username: <username>
password: <password>

#  type: PKCS12
#  path: #Location of key-store
#  key-prefix: "teradata_"
#  password: #If password to key-store is not provided then default password will be used

tpt-connection: #Connection configuration for TPT jobs
  host: <ip-address> #Teradata host name
  username: <username> #Teradata server username
  password: <password>
    #  type: PKCS12
    #  path: #path to your keystore file
    #  key-prefix: # prefix of the keystore entry
    #  password: # optional, keystore password
  #use-ldap: true  #Whether TPT should use LDAP mechanism to connect to TD
  #max-sessions: 16  #Max sessions per TPT job
  #min-sessions: 1 #Min sessions per TPT job
  #tenacity-hrs: 1 #Number of hours TPT continues trying logon
  #tenacity-sleep-mins: 1 #Sleep duration before each retry

max-connections: 30 # Maximum number of connections replicant would use to fetch data from source Teradata.

max-retries: 10 
retry-wait-duration-ms: 1000

max-conn-retries: #Number of times any operation on the source system will be re-attempted on failures.
conn-retry-wait-duration-ms: 5000 #Duration in milliseconds Replicant should wait before performing then next retry of a failed operation
  • url: You can directly specify the exact URL that the JDBC driver will use to connect to the source. In that case you don’t need to specify the host, port, username, and password parameters separately. Instead, embed them within the URL as the example above shows:

    url: jdbc:teradata://<ip-address>/HTTPS_PORT=<port>,ENCRYPTDATA=ON,TYPE=FASTEXPORT,USER=<username>,PASSWORD=<password
    url: jdbc:teradata://<ip-address>/DBS_PORT=<port>,ENCRYPTDATA=ON,TYPE=FASTEXPORT,USER=<username>,PASSWORD=<password>

  • client-charset: Replicant allows users to deal with different character encodings supported by Teradata (eg: UTF8, LATIN1_0A, etc.) based on the extraction method used. It offers two extraction methods:

    • QUERY: When using QUERY extraction method, you have to define the Teradata equivalent Java character set in client-charset under connection configuration file which specifies the character encoding to be used by the JDBC client. To get the list of the character set mapping, head over to teradata official docs.

      For example: If the teradata session character set is LATIN1_0A then the value of client-charset would be:

        client-charset: ISO8859_1
    • TPT: In case of TPT extraction method, define the charset parameter under the native-extract-options in the extractor configuration file. The possible values are ASCII, UTF8 and UTF16.
  • credential-store: Replicant supports consuming username, password, and url configurations from a credentials store rather than having users specify them in plain text config file. You can use keystores to store your credentials related to your Teradata server connections and TPT jobs. You should create entries in the credential store for your configs using a prefix and specify the prefix in your config file. For example, you can create keystore entries with aliases tdserver1_username and tdserver1_password. You can then specify the prefix here as tdserver1_.

The keystore password parameters are optional. If you don’t specify the keystore password here, then:

  • For connecting to Teradata server, you must use the UUID from your license file as the keystore password. Remember to keep your license file somewhere safe in order to keep this password secure.
  • For TPT connection, the default password will be used.

II. Set up Extractor Configuration #

  1. From $REPLICANT_HOME, navigate to the applier configuration file:

    vi conf/src/teradata.yaml
  2. The configuration file has two parts:

    • Parameters related to snapshot mode.
    • Parameters related to delta snapshot mode.

    For snapshot mode, make the necessary changes in the snapshot section of the configuration file. The following is a working sample:

      threads: 32
      fetch-size-rows: 10_000
      min-job-size-rows: 1_000_000
      max-jobs-per-chunk: 32
      verifyRowCount: false
      _traceDBTasks: true
      split-method: RANGE  # Allowed values are RANGE, MODULO
      extraction-method: QUERY # Allowed values are QUERY, TPT
      tpt-num-files-per-job: 16
        charset: "ASCII"  #Allowed values are ASCII, UTF8 and UTF16
        compression-type: "GZIP" #Allowed values are GZIP and NONE

    You can also configure your table-specific requirements under the per-table-config section like the following:

    - schema: tpch
          split-key: split-key-column
          split-key: partkey
          split-key: partkey
          split-key: orderkey
          split-method: RANGE      #Table level overridable config, allowed values : RANGE, MODULO
          extraction-method: TPT   # Allowed values are QUERY, TPT
          tpt-num-files-per-job: 16
          extraction-priority: 2  #Higher value is higher priority. Both positive and negative values are allowed. Default priority is 0 if unspecified.
            row-count-estimate: 15000
            split-key-min-value: 1
            split-key-max-value: 60_000
            charset: "ASCII"  #Allowed values are ASCII, UTF8 and UTF16
            column-size-map:  #User specified column size/length to be used while exporting with TPT
              "COL1": 2
              "COL2": 4
              "COL3": 3
            compression-type: "GZIP"

    For delta snapshot mode, make the necessary changes in the delta-snapshot section of the configuration file like the following:

      threads: 32
      fetch-size-rows: 10_000
      min-job-size-rows: 1_000_000
      max-jobs-per-chunk: 32
      _max-delete-jobs-per-chunk: 32
      split-method: RANGE  # Allowed values are RANGE, MODULO
      extraction-method: QUERY # Allowed values are QUERY, TPT
      tpt-num-files-per-job: 16
        charset: "ASCII"  #Allowed values are ASCII, UTF8 and UTF16
        compression-type: "GZIP"
      split-key: last_update_time
      delta-snapshot-key: last_update_time
      delta-snapshot-interval: 10
      delta-snapshot-delete-interval: 10
      _traceDBTasks: true
      replicate-deletes: false

    You can also configure your table-specific requirements under the per-table-config section like the following:

    - schema: tpch
          split-key: split-key-column  # Any numeric/timestamp column with sufficiently large number of distincts
          extraction-method: TPT
            charset: "ASCII" #Allowed values are ASCII, UTF8 and UTF16
            compression-type: "GZIP"
              delimiter: '~'
              quote: '"'
              # If extraction method is TPT, delimiter in a string is escaped using the provided escape char.
              # https://docs.teradata.com/r/Teradata-Parallel-Transporter-Reference/July-2017/DataConnector-Operator/
              # Usage-Notes/TextDelimiter-and-EscapeTextDelimiter
              escape: "\\"
              #null-string: "NULL" #Null string is not supported for extraction-method TPT
              line-end: "\n"
              # If multi-char-delimiter is provided, it will have higher precedence than delimiter.
              # Applicable only if extraction method is TPT.
              multi-char-delimiter: "|~|"
    Important: When using TPT as the extraction-method, do not specify the null-string parameter under the control-chars section. Notice the preceding sample for context. This is necessary because Teradata generates empty strings for both null and empty strings by default in TPT extracted CSV files. According to what the target supports, Replicant tries to convert these empty strings into appropriate null values.

For a detailed explanation of configuration parameters in the extractor file, read Extractor Reference.