
Destination Neon #

This page describes how to use Arcion to load data in real time into Neon, a fully managed serverless PostgreSQL database.

The following steps refer to the extracted Arcion self-hosted CLI download as the $REPLICANT_HOME directory.

Prerequisites #

I. Set up Connection Configuration #

To connect to Neon, you have these two options:

You can specify your connection details to Replicant with a YAML connection configuration file. You can find a sample connection configuration file neon_dst.yaml in the $REPLICANT_HOME/conf/conn directory. For example:



database: 'DATABASE_NAME'
username: 'USERNAME'
password: 'PASSWORD'

  enable: true
  hostname-verification: false

max-connections: 30 
socket-timeout-s: 60
max-retries: 10 
retry-wait-duration-ms: 1000

Replace the following:

  • HOSTNAME: your Neon hostname—for example,
  • PORT_NUMBER: the port number. Neon uses the default PostgreSQL port 5432.
  • DATABASE_NAME: the Neon database name. Default database name is neondb.
  • USERNAME: the username of the user that connects to Neon.
  • PASSWORD: the password associated with USERNAME.

Feel free to change the following parameter values as you need:

  • max-connections: the maximum number of connections Replicant opens in Neon.
  • max-retries: number of times Replicant retries a failed operation.
  • retry-wait-duration-ms: duration in milliseconds Replicant waits between each retry of a failed operation.
  • socket-timeout-s: the timeout value in seconds specifying socket read operations. A value of 0 disables socket reads. This parameter is only supported for Arcion self-hosted CLI versions and newer.
You can store your connection credentials in a secrets management service and tell Replicant to retrieve the credentials. For more information, see Secrets management.


  • Make sure that the max_connections number in Neon exceeds the max-connections number in the preceding connection configuration file.
  • Neon requires an SSL connection. Therefore, you must enable SSL by defining the ssl parameter in the connection configuration file.

II. Configure mapper file (optional) #

If you want to define data mapping from source to your target Neon, specify the mapping rules in the mapper file. The following is a sample mapper configuration for a MySQL-to-Neon pipeline:

  [tpch, public]:
    - [tpch]

For more information on how to define the mapping rules and run Replicant CLI with the mapper file, see Mapper Configuration.

III. Set up Applier configuration #

To configure replication mode according to your requirements, specify your configuration in the Applier configuration file. You can find a sample Applier configuration file neon.yaml in the $REPLICANT_HOME/conf/dst directory. For example:

You can configure Neon for operating in either snapshot or realtime mode.

Configure snapshot mode #

For operating in snapshot mode, specify your configuration under the snapshot section of the conifiguration file. For example:

  threads: 16
  batch-size-rows: 5_000
  txn-size-rows: 1_000_000
  skip-tables-on-failures: false

  map-bit-to-boolean: false

    enable: true
    type: FILE # FILE or PIPE

  _traceDBTasks: true
  use-quoted-identifiers: true

Additional snapshot parameters #

Tells Replicant whether to map bit(1) and varbit(1) data types from source to boolean on target.

If true, Replicant maps bit(1)/varbit(1) data types from source to boolean on target Neon. If false, Replicant maps bit(1)/varbit(1) data types from source to bit(1)/varbit(1) on target Neon.

Default: false.

For more information about the Applier parameters for snapshot mode, see Snapshot mode.

Configure realtime mode #

If you want to operate in real time, use the realtime section to specify your configuration. For example:

  threads: 8
  txn-size-rows: 10000
  batch-size-rows: 1000
  skip-tables-on-failures : false

  use-quoted-identifiers: true

For more information about the configuration parameters for realtime mode, see Realtime mode.