
Destination Oracle #

The following steps refer the extracted Arcion self-hosted CLI download as the $REPLICANT_HOME directory.

I. Obtain the JDBC driver for Oracle #

Replicant requires Oracle JDBC Driver as a dependency. To obtain the appropriate driver, follow these steps:

II. Set up shared directory #

Replicant uses the external directory feature in Oracle for efficient loading of data into target Oracle. You must specify the shared directory in the stage section of the connection configuration file.

  1. Create a directory shared between Replicant host and Oracle host with READ and WRITE access.
  2. You can use network file system (NFS) to create the shared directory. For more information, see About NFS and Configuring an NFS server.

The following steps use /data/shared_fs as the shared directory.

III. Set up Oracle user permissions #

Follow these steps in an Oracle client to grant the necessary privileges to your Oracle user. The following steps provide these privileges to user alex:

  1. Grant the CREATE TABLE privilege:


    If you can’t provide this permission, you must manually create all the tables.

  2. Grant the CREATE ANY DIRECTORY privilege:


    If you can’t provide this permission, you must manually create the following directories using CREATE OR REPLACE:

    CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY csv_data_dir AS '/data/shared_fs';
    CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY csv_log_dir AS '/data/shared_fs';
  3. Grant the ALTER ANY TABLE privilege:

  4. Manually create user schema and a schema io_replicate. Grant both of these schemas permission to access a tablespace.

You must make sure that the user you specify in the connection details has the preceding privileges:


If the user does not have CREATE SCHEMA privilege, then follow these steps:

  1. Create a schema manually with name io_blitzz.
  2. Grant all privileges for the io_blitzz schema to that user.

Replicant uses io_blitzz to maintain internal checkpoints and metadata.

IV. Set up connection configuration #

Specify our Oracle connection details to Replicant with a connection configuration file. You can find a sample connection configuration file oracle_dst.yaml in the $REPLICANT_HOME/conf/conn directory.

You can store your connection credentials in a secrets management service and tell Replicant to retrieve the credentials. For more information, see Secrets management.

Otherwise, put your credentials in plain text YAML file like the following sample:

type: ORACLE

service-name: SERVICE_NAME

username: 'USERNAME'
password: 'PASSWORD'

  type: SHARED_FS
  root-dir: /data/shared_fs  #Enter the path of the shared directory

max-connections: 30
max-retries: 10
retry-wait-duration-ms: 1000

charset: AL32UTF8

Replace the following:

  • HOSTNAME: the Oracle server hostname
  • PORT_NUMBER: the port number of Oracle host (defaults to 1521)
  • SERVICE_NAME: the database service name that contains the schema you want to replicate
  • USERNAME: the username to connect to Oracle
  • PASSWORD: the password associated with USERNAME

Feel free to change the following parameter values as you need:

  • max-connections: the maximum number of connections Replicant opens in Oracle.
  • max-retries: number of times Replicant retries a failed operation.
  • retry-wait-duration-ms: duration in milliseconds Replicant waits between each retry of a failed operation.

Additional parameters #

When you don’t specify the --metadata flag, Replicant uses the target to store metadata. This parameter determines the connection pool size for metadata storage.
The Unicode character set to use when transferring data. The character set you specify here must match the character set in the source connection configuration.

Supported value AL32UTF8.

V. Set up Applier configuration #

To configure replication mode according to your requirements, specify your configuration in the Applier configuration file. You can find a sample Applier configuration file oracle.yaml in the $REPLICANT_HOME/conf/dst directory.

Configure snapshot mode replication #

For operating in snapshot mode, specify your configuration under the snapshot section of the conifiguration file. For example:

  enable-partition-load: true
  disable-partition-wise-load-on-failure: false

    enable: true
    type: FILE
    serialize: true
    method: SQLLDR
    enable: false
    stage-type: SHARED_FS
    directory: SHARED_STAGE

For more information about the general Applier parameters for snapshot mode, see Snapshot mode.

The following parameters apply to Oracle for snapshot mode replication:



Enables partition-wise load on target oracle.

Default: true for Oracle-to-Oracle pipeline.



If a mismatch occurs between the partitioning spec on source and target, Replicant throws error at runtime. If you set this parameter to true, Replicant automatically falls back to multithreaded load without partition awareness in the next retry attempt.



Creates constraints and indexes after the snapshot completes.

snapshot.init-views-as-views [v21.04.06.8]

To create views as views instead of as tables.

Default: false.

snapshot.init-views-post-snapshot [v21.04.06.8]


If snapshot.init-views-as-views is true, setting this parameter to true creates views after snapshot completes. If this parameter is false, Replicant creates views before snapshot.

Default: true.

Arcion can leverage underlying support of FILE-based bulk loading into the target system. To configure bulk loading, configure the following parameters under snapshot.bulk-load


Enable or disable bulk loading.

The type of bulk loading. Only FILE type is supported.


Specifies whether Replicant applies the generated files applied in serial or parallel fashion.

Specifies the method of bulk loading. The following methods are supported:
Instructs Replicant to not use a bulk loader.
This method uses an external table to load intermediate CSV files that Replicant generates into the target Oracle. For this method to work, Replicant requires a shared directory between Replicant host machine and target Oracle.
Uses Oracle’s sqlldr utility for client side data loading into target Oracle. SQLLDR doesn’t require shared directory between Replicant host machine and target Oracle. However, you need to set the following three environment variables before starting Replicant. You can include them in .bashrc file as well.

Replace PATH_TO_DIRECTORY_CONTAINING_SQLLDR_BINARY with the location of the sqlldr binary file.

Caution: sqlldr doesn’t accept case-sensitive usernames. For example, sqlldr doesn’t accept the first command:

create user test identified by Test#123
create user test identified by Test#123
Defines the usage of Oracle Data Pump Import (impdp) utility to load table data instead of JDBC. This allows Replicant to efficiently handle large-scale data. For more information, see Oracle Native Import.

Native loading is only supported for Oracle-to-Oracle pipeline.



Enables or disables native loading.

The type of staging area. The following staging areas are supported:
A shared directory.
Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM).
The Oracle directory object corresponding to the stage-type. For more information, see Create directory object in source and target Oracle.
Full path to the network file system (NFS) representing the shared directory between Replicant and Oracle.

Oracle Native Import #

For Oracle as both source and target system, Replicant uses Oracle’s native Data Pump Import (impdp) utility to load data into the target. To set up Replicant and target Oracle to use this feature, follow these instructions:

Step 1: Set up impdp in Replicant host machine #

  1. Download the Oracle Instant Client Tools Package ZIP and extract the files.
  2. Copy the impdp file to the /usr/bin directory.
  3. Download the Oracle Instant Client Basic package ZIP and extract the files in a directory.
  4. Copy the path to the directory where you’ve extracted the Instant Client Basic package ZIP archive.
  5. Set the ORACLE_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables in your ~/.bashrc file:
    export ORACLE_HOME=instantClientBasicPath
    export PATH="$ORACLE_HOME:$PATH"

Step 2: Create directory object in source and target Oracle #

Replicant uses the external directory feature of Oracle for efficient loading of data into Target Oracle. To use this feature, create a directory shared between Replicant host and Oracle host with READ and WRITE access. You must create this directory in both source Oracle host and target Oracle host.

  1. Launch Oracle SQL Plus from the terminal.
  2. From the SQL Plus prompt, create a directory object that points to an operating system directory. The following creates the SHARED_STAGE directory object that points to the /shared-volume operating system directory:
    create directory SHARED_STAGE as '/shared-volume';
  3. Grant READ and WRITE privileges to the directory object:
    grant read,write on directory SHARED_STAGE to SYSTEM;

Step 3: Modify the Applier configuration file #

In Replicant’s Applier configuration file of target Oracle, specify the snapshot.native-load parameter. This parameter defines the necessary parameters for Replicant to start using Oracle’s impdp utility.