
Destination SingleStore #

The extracted replicant-cli will be referred to as the $REPLICANT_HOME directory in the proceeding steps.

Prerequisites #

You must have a user configured in SingleStore for replication with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP permissions on application databases.

If SingleStore user does not have create database permission then you must create a database named io_replicate and provide SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP privileges to SingleStore user.

I. Setup Connection Configuration #

  1. From $REPLICANT_HOME, navigate to the sample SingleStore connection configuration file:

    vi conf/conn/singlestore.yaml
  2. For connecting to the SingleStore server, you can choose between two methods for an authenticated connection:

    Connect with username and password #

    For connecting to SingleStore using via basic username and password authentication, you have the following two options:

    You can specify your credentials in plain form in the connection configuration file like the folowing sample:

    host: HOSTNAME
    port: PORT_NUMBER
    username: 'USERNAME'
    password: 'PASSWORD'
    max-connections: 30
    max-retries: 10
    retry-wait-duration-ms: 1000

    Replace the following:

    • HOSTNAME: hostname of the SingleStore server
    • PORT_NUMBER: port number of the SingleStore server
    • USERNAME: the SingleStore username
    • PASSWORD: the password associated with USERNAME
    You can store your connection credentials in a secrets management service and tell Replicant to retrieve the credentials. For more information, see Secrets management.

    Connect using SSL #

    To connect to SingleStore using SSL, follow these steps:

    1. Configure the server-side requirements by following the instructions in Server Configuration for Secure Client and Intra-Cluster Connections.

    2. Specify the SSL parameters to Replicant in the ssl section of the connection configuration file in the following format:

        enable: true
        root-cert: "PATH_TO_CA_CERTIFICATE_FILE" 
        hostname-verification: {true|false}      
          path: PATH_TO_CA_TRUSTSTORE
          password: TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD
          path: PATH_TO_KEYSTORE
          password: KEYSTORE_PASSWORD
        ssl-key-password: KEYSTORE_CERT_PASSWORD

      In the preceding configuration:

      • root-cert holds the full path to your SSL CA certificate file—for example, "/home/alex/workspace/ca-cert.pem". Keep in mind that the trust-store configuration overrides root-cert.

      • hostname-verification enables hostname verification against the server identity according to the specification in the server’s certificate. Defaults to true.

      • trust-store holds the SSL CA certificate that the client uses to authenticate the server. This configuration overrides root-cert.

        Replace PATH_TO_CA_TRUSTSTORE and TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD with the path to the TrustStore and the TrustStore password respectively.

      • The server uses key-store to authenticate the client. Replace PATH_TO_KEYSTORE and KEYSTORE_PASSWORD with the path to the KeyStore and the KeyStore password respectively.

      • As an optional parameter, ssl-key-password holds the password of the certificate inside the KeyStore.

II. Setup Applier Configuration #

Edit the applier configurations if required.

  1. From $REPLICANT_HOME, navigate to the sample Applier Configuration File:

    vi conf/dst/singlestore.yaml
  2. The configuration file has two parts:

    • Parameters related to snapshot mode.
    • Parameters related to realtime mode.

    For snapshot mode, notice the sample configuration below:

      table-store: {ROW|COLUMN}
      - catalog: tpch
            table-store: COLUMN
            sort-key: [singlestore_orderkey] 
            shard-key: [c2]

    In the sample above, notice the following:

    • You can provide SingleStore LOAD configuration string by setting the native-load-configs parameter. These configurations will be appended to the generated LOAD SQL command. For example:

      native-load-configs: "ERRORS HANDLE 'orders_errors'"
    • You can specify the table store to use by setting the table-store parameter to any of the following two values:

      • ROW
      • COLUMN
    • Replace singlestore_orderkey with a list of columns to be created as the sort-key.

    • Replace c2 with a list of columns to be created as the shard-key.

    For realtime mode, notice the following sample:

      threads: 8
      txn-size-rows: 10000
      batch-size-rows: 1000
      _oper-queue-size-rows: 20000
      skip-tables-on-failures : false
      replay-shard-key-update-as-delete-insert: true
      retry-failed-txn-idempotently: true
        - schema: tpch
              skip-upto-cursor: '{"extractorId":0,"timestamp":1599201466000,"log":"mariadb-bin.000200","position":36574666,"logSeqNum":1000,"slaveServerId":1,"v":1}'
  3. Below is a sample applier file with commonly used configuration parameters:

      threads: 32
      batch-size-rows: 10_000
      txn-size-rows: 1_000_000
        enable: true
        type: FILE
      table-store: ROW
      - catalog: tpch
            table-store: COLUMN
            sort-key: [singlestore_orderkey]
            shard-key: [c2]
            table-type: REFERENCE
            table-store: ROW
            table-store: COLUMN
            sort-key: [partkey, suppkey]
      threads: 8
      txn-size-rows: 10000
      batch-size-rows: 1000
      _oper-queue-size-rows: 20000
      replay-shard-key-update-as-delete-insert: true
      retry-failed-txn-idempotently: true

For a detailed explanation of configuration parameters in the Applier file, read: Applier Reference